The only minor problem with this is that the 3-way muzzle flash can cockblock your view, but other than that, this iron sight does wonders. But what really ices this massive piece of cake are the iron sights. The PPSh is a genius weapon itself: super fast fire rate, and an insane magazine capacity make for a deadly combination. The G11 and the AUG have minor differences from this sight. These clean sights make every single one of these guns awesome.

Some are too big and are hard to find the "center", others are small and tedious to move, and then there's the ones in the middle, and these are right in there. Absolutely no obstruction and is the perfect size. Treyarch was very generous giving these 3 guns the same great iron sights. Black Ops 2 sort of gutted it a bit with the circle sitting lower, but it still rocks nonetheless. These iron sights are easy to use, and make this gun that much more flexible, as you don't even need a Red Dot. The circle sits at a higher elevation from the back sight, and it stands out against the target so well. This is a bit of personal opinion here, but I absolutely love these irons. The UMP45 is basically an AUG HBAR with a higher mobility thanks to these irons, as the UMP is a scary gun to fight against. Literally zero obstruction, a nice circle in the middle, these sights plain rock. These iron sights are among as clean as they can get.